
Hello guys its StudyMan99 here!!!!!

Yes, we are finally working on Threshold. We as in me myself and I LOL. I'm really sorry how long it's taken for me to work on this/try to finish it. I had to work thru some like bullshit I guess. I have finally come to a understanding on a lot of things that were bothering me. Not about game development, but other things. And now I think I can work on this. I know that probably doesn't make much sense, but I think I'm working towards a more positive future. Letting go of the past and moving forward to the new. Threshold will be done when it has enough content to fit all the effects and whatnot. I want the game to have a few events and at least 2 endings XD. The image shows all the finished effects so far (besides the sea angel)  I want at least a few more (20 effects or 24 at max). Then I will move onto the nexus worlds and then focus on deep paths probably XD. The code is the easiest part so it will be last XD. I will try my hardest to make the wait worth it for this silly fangame. Thank you all for your kindness and support over the years of this games development. Well its kind of wrong to call it years. August - September 2020 has still been the bulk of the work I've done for Threshold. All the other times I had tried ended with frusteration and demotivation. But after making A Posteriori I can say I at least know rpg maker way more than before XDD. So I know I can get more done hopefully XD.  

I want to release the game with a ending but I might release a early version. Half of the effects maybe? We'll see XDD. I will try my hardest to make this a good game XD 

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